Sunday, May 8, 2011


1) A landslide is the movement of a mass of rock or sections of the Earth's crust under the force of gravity
2) The main causes of landslides are torrential rain, human contributions, earthquakes and undercutting of banks and cliffs from waves or rivers.
3) humans contribute to landslides by creating either man made hills that support houses and buildings
4) earthquakes are rapid and sudden movements of the Earth's crust caused by tectonic forces from within the Earth. It is measured using the rictor scale rating from 1-10
5) The main causes of earthquakes in Australia is the tectonic plates rubbing againts one an other.
6) every 15 months and it is not usual because we are on the midde of a tectonic plate and not on the edges.
7) !3 people killed, 120 people injured, 70 000 buildings damaged
8) A landslide is formed by weather and external factors while earthquakes are internal factors and are usually a lot bigger
9) A tsunami is when the movement of the ocean bottom which displaces water on the surface.
10) Earthquakes, landslide and volcano
11) A tsunami is formed when the tectonic plates move and pushes water to form large blocks of water moving away.
12) Three tsunami warnings signs are a shake from the ground which is a earthquake which usually causes tsunami's, a drop of sea level and a roar coming from the large gush of water.
13) A under sea earthquake rating 9.3 on the rictor scale which occured off the west coast of samatra where the Indo-Australian Plate is sliding under the Eurasian plate
14) 23
15) A tsuanmi changes in shallow water becuase as it gets shallower the water the wave slowed to 100km per hour and rised.
16) The united nations coordinated a warning system for the indian ocean
17) Ted Bryant studies natural hazards.
18) 10N 90E
b. india- 1 hr
Africa- 10hrs
Australia- 5hrs

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