aeolian - greek word for wind
spinifex - a genus of grass which is indiginous to the coastal areas of Australia
constructive waves- small low-energy waves that deposit sand onto beaches
corrasion- occurs when waves crash over rock shelves and move rock and other material helping to erode the rock shelf away
corrosion- the action of salt on minerals like irons that are contained in rock, weakening the rock and making it more susceptible to erosion
refraction- the bending of waves around the headlands into bays
deposition- the depositing of sand and rock particles caused by wind and wave action forming features such as beaches
destructive waves- large waves formed by tropical cyclones and storms that erode material from beaches
erosion- the removal of rock and sand particles as a result of wind and wave action
hydraulic action- Hydraulic action is a form of erosion caused by the force of moving water currents rushing into a crack in the rockface
longshore drift
spinifex - a genus of grass which is indiginous to the coastal areas of Australia
constructive waves- small low-energy waves that deposit sand onto beaches
corrasion- occurs when waves crash over rock shelves and move rock and other material helping to erode the rock shelf away
corrosion- the action of salt on minerals like irons that are contained in rock, weakening the rock and making it more susceptible to erosion
refraction- the bending of waves around the headlands into bays
deposition- the depositing of sand and rock particles caused by wind and wave action forming features such as beaches
destructive waves- large waves formed by tropical cyclones and storms that erode material from beaches
erosion- the removal of rock and sand particles as a result of wind and wave action
hydraulic action- Hydraulic action is a form of erosion caused by the force of moving water currents rushing into a crack in the rockface
longshore drift
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